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Presentation of specialisation

The curricula related to the specialisation.

Who is it for? Graduates of undergraduate programs in Computer Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering Science Graduates of other undergraduate or long term majors in Exact Sciences Graduates of other Master’s programs (professional, teaching or other fields) who intend to apply to a PhD program in Mathematics in the future What are the skills acquired? General skills: Advanced mathematics teaching skills in pre-university and higher education, nationally and internationally Advanced skills in modern methods of applying mathematics to problems of modelling, simulation, data interpretation and model generalisation, specific to both the private sector and research Integration and performance capabilities in specialist firms, multinational companies, IT firms, in areas based on mathematical modelling and applied mathematics Training teamwork skills, project approach and implementation skills Advanced preparation for application to a PhD programme in Mathematics Specific skills: Modelling, simulation, interpretation and control capabilities for dynamic systems in the exact and engineering sciences Ability to use advanced mathematical knowledge in teaching activity Ability to analyse and synthesise mathematical models from systems theory, with applications in engineering sciences and finance and banking Ability to integrate into national and European projects in the private sector as well as in basic and applied scientific research Career opportunities: Mathematician in public or private, national or international institutions Teacher in pre-university or higher education Research Scientist Data analyst, data manager, database administrator Project coordinator, project implementation expert Specialist in modelling processes, phenomena and data interpretation What is studied: Special chapters on analysis, geometry, equations Autonomous, non-autonomous dynamic systems and applications Modern techniques in control theory, optimization methods Geometric Dynamical Systems with Applications in Science Discrete and continuous modelling of phenomena and processes Forking techniques, stability, trajectory stability Project management and academic writing

Discipline Sheets