
The Visiting@UVT grant programme is divided into two components: Visiting Lecturer and Visiting Researcher, depending on the practical activities targeted. Eligibility criteria are set according to the type of grant and the specific profile of each Host Faculty/DPPD and include:

  • International visibility of the candidate’s academic profile (publications as author or editor, reviewer);
  • International recognition of the candidate (grants, scholarships, membership of professional associations, academic awards);
  • Candidate’s teaching achievements (course development, coordination of student activities – volunteering, symposia, summer schools; teaching awards).

During the period of the Visiting@UVT grant, beneficiaries are provided with the following:

  • an office within the host Faculty/ DPPD
  • unlimited access to the facilities of the host University and Faculty/DPPD
  • free access to the UVT’s electronic resources
  • E-UVT institutional account
  • free accommodation on campus
  • reimbursement of a return journey between the place of origin and Timișoara
  • payment of a grant of 6000 RON/month.
Selection process for Visiting@UVT grant beneficiaries

The selection of teachers/researchers for a Visiting@UVT grant is carried out at the level of each UVT faculty, respectively DPPD, on the basis of an application file.

The content of an application file includes:

  • Application form;
  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • List of publications;
  • One-page description of the candidate’s teaching/research profile;
  • One-page motivation letter (detailing the interest in the collaboration and the benefits for the host institution);
  • 2 course proposals/ 1 research proposal – title, abstract, topics, themes, objectives, methods, targeted results, selective bibliography (max. 4 pages);
  • Letter of acceptance from the host Department/Faculty (recommended).

Evaluation of applications will be carried out:

  • at Faculty level, by a committee from the host Faculty consisting of the Dean, the Dean of International Relations, the Dean of Academics/Research, the Head of the host Department (the number of members may vary, depending on the administrative positions designated at Faculty level; the committee is validated by the Faculty Council;
  • at DPPD level by a committee made up of three members of the DPPD Department Council, appointed by the Director of the DPPD and validated by a vote of the Council.
Exploiting results in the Visiting@UVT grant programme

Each Visiting@UVT scholar must fulfil the following generic obligations:

  • to mention (co-)affiliation with the UVT in each published paper, conference participation, event organisation, project submission, patent obtained during or as a result of the grant;
  • to notify the UVT of any change in professional status from the moment of participation in the selection for the Visiting@UVT grant until the moment of signing the financial contract;
  • not have a study contract (of any level), an employment contract or any other written agreement with the UVT for the period between the moment of participation in the selection for the Visiting@UVT grant and the moment when the grant awarded ends;
  • actively participate in the activities and events of the UVT academic community and support the academic initiatives of the host Faculty and Department;
  • submit a detailed activity report to the Programme Coordinator at the end of each month of the period covered by the Visiting@UVT grant;
  • give a public presentation of the Visiting@UVT experience and the stay in Timisoara, open to colleagues and students from the UVT academic community;
  • to act as a UVT Ambassador in their home universities and institutes, and to present the Visting@UVT grants programme to their respective communities.

Specific obligations for Visiting Lecturer grants:

  • to offer at least one teaching subject (with related course and seminar activities) which will be taught over a full or modular semester (proposal, development, teaching, assessment);
  • to organise at least one other type of activity (course/ seminar/ round table, lecture) and/or to engage in (co-)tutoring, (co-)thesis co-ordination, volume editing, etc. in accordance with the proposal included in the application file and the final contract negotiated and signed with the UVT.

Specific obligations for Visiting Researcher grants:

  • carry out research activities in accordance with the proposal included in the application file and the contract concluded with the UVT;
  • for short-term grants: to submit at least 1 article for publication (Web of Science/ Scopus, depending on the main research areas of the host Faculty/DPPD);
  • in the case of long-term grants: submit at least 2 articles (Web of Science/ Scopus, depending on the main research areas of the host Faculty/DPPD) or book chapters to internationally recognised academic publishers;
  • in the case of collaborative research with colleagues from the UVT, contribute to the submission of at least one Horizon Europe 2020 or equivalent project proposal.