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FMI Council Decision on promotion in the final year of undergraduate programs (No. 2020/14.09.2020)

METHODOLOGY for organising the educational process in hybrid or exclusively online mode (2021-2022)

Announcement student camps – 2021 (Update: 08.07.2021)

CS3 – Simpozionul Studenților la Informatică (Actualizare: 29.06.2021)

Announcement of volunteering – semester 2 – 2020/2021 (Update: 09.06.2021)

The final exams (bachelor and master) of the July 2021 session will be held online. (Update: 03.06.2021)

The “Euro 200” programme to provide financial aid to students to encourage the purchase of computers. (Update: 03.06.2021)

Programul “Euro 200”, care oferă studenților un ajutor financiar pentru a încuraja achiziționarea de calculatoare.

Further information internships (Update: 07.04.2021)

Workshop-uri English for Mathematics and Computer Science (Actualizare: 06.04.2021)

Presentation of Collective Projects 2020 – 2021: 2nd year bachelor’s (Update: 23.02.2021)
