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ADMISSIONS doctoral studies 2023-2024

Computer Science

  • Admission Regulation
  • Number of places:
    • 2 places funded from the budget – with scholarship
    • 2 places funded by the budget – no scholarship
    • 6 places with fee
  • Admission calendar – September 2023

    • Registration period: 1 August – 12 September 2023
      • The admission file (with the structure specified in the regulations) is submitted online here.
      • Language certificates are issued by UVT according to the calendar posted on the UVT website and the relevant faculties – details here.
    • Admission exam: 15 September 2023 – interviews will be scheduled between 8:00-16:00
    • Display of partial results: 15 September 2023, 18:00
    • Deadline for submission of appeals: 16 September 2023, 18:00
    • Posting of results after appeals: 18 September 2023, 12:00 noon
    • Confirmation deadline for PhD students: 19 September 2023, 14:00
      • Confirmation consists of paying the registration fee, signing the study contract and:
        • submission of the original master’s degree or equivalent/certificate of graduation – for doctoral students admitted to a budgeted place
        • payment of 10% of the tuition fee – for PhD students admitted on a fee basis
    • Display of final results: 19 September 2023, 16:00


  • Admission Regulation
  • List of SDM themes
  • Number of places:
    • 2 places funded from the budget – with scholarship
    • 1 place funded by the budget – no scholarship
    • 4 places with fee
  • The entrance exams will take place on September 14, 2023, at 11:00, room 130 (first floor, Bul. V. Parvan Nr. 4, UVT headquarters).
  • Detailed information on the admission timetable and related forms can be found here.

ADMISSIONS doctoral studies 2022-2023

Admission to doctoral studies – academic year 2022/2023
Details at

Doctoral School of Computer Science

  • Admission Regulation
  • Number of places:
    • 2 places financed from the budget – with scholarship
    • 2 places funded by the budget – no grant
    • 6 places with fee

Doctoral School of Mathematics

  • Admission Regulation
  • Number of places:
    • 1 place funded from the budget – with scholarship
    • 2 places funded by the budget – no grant
    • 8 places with fee

Admission calendar

  • Registration: 1 August – 11 September 2022 (via
  • Admission interview: 14 September 2022 (schedule will be sent to candidates)
  • Deadline for submission of appeals: 15 September 2022, 14:00
  • Deadline for resolving appeals and posting partial results: 16 September 2022, 14:00
  • Deadline for confirmation for PhD students admitted to a budgeted place (payment of the registration fee, signature of contracts and submission of the master’s degree or equivalent/graduation certificate 2021/2022 in original): 19 September 2022, 4:00 p.m.
  • Confirmation deadline for PhD students admitted with fees (payment of registration fee, signature of contracts and payment of 10% tuition fee for PhD students admitted with fees): 19 September 2022, by 12:00 noon
  • Display of final results: 19 September 2022, 16:00