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PhD Admission

Admission Timetable

Admission calendar for the September 2024 session
  • Application period 4 – 16 septembrie 2024

    Language certificates are issued by the UVT according to the calendar posted on the UVT website

  • Admission exams 17 – 18 septembrie 2024
  • Display preliminary results 19 septembrie 2024, ora 10:00
  • Deadline for appeals 19 septembrie 2024, ora 16:00
  • Deadline for resolving appeals 20 septembrie 2024, ora 16:00

    and displaying partial results

Available places


  • Budget with grant: 2
  • Budget without grant: 1
  • Fee: 3

Computer Science:

  • Budget with grant: 2
  • Budget without grant: 2
  • Fee: 2

Note: in addition to the 2 grant budget places, 3 other grant budget places are reserved for specific themes proposed by the coordinators, as follows:

  • Prof.dr. Marc Frîncu (Applied Big Data and Distributed Computing)
  • Prof.dr. Darian Onchiș-Moacă (A Neuro-Symbolic perspective on Assisted Machine Learning)
  • Conf.dr. Ruxandra Stoean (Deep learning paradigms in real-world scenarios)

The themes proposed by the coordinators are available here.

Useful Documents

Extra details
Admission Regulation

Download the rules from the following link.