Current Projects
Artificial Intelligence based Robotics, KA220-HED-000152418 Erasmus+ European Project, 2023 – 2026
Sustainable Alliance Manager: Learning Experience towards Collaborative Skills with Green Consciousness, KA220-HED-000157968, Erasmus+ European Project, 2023 – 2026

Symbolic rewriting methods for safety and security of critical cyber-physical systems, 2023-2026, Science for Peace and Security Programme (NATO „Emerging Securities Challenges Division”), project nr. G6133 (M. Marin)
Development of a Support System for Improved Resilience and Sustainable Urban areas to cope with Climate Change and Extreme Events based on GEOSS and Advanced Modelling Tools, H2020-LC-CLA-2020-2 / RIA, 2021-2024 (M. Neagul, C. Bonchis)
Randomised Optimisation Algorithms Research Network, COST Action CA22137, 2023-2027
Text, functional and other high-dimensional data in econometrics: new models, methods, applications, COST Action CA21163, 2022-2026
A Symbiosis between Satisfiability Verification, Graph Neural Networks and Symbolic Computation, PNIII-TE, 2022-2024 (M. Erascu)
Transliteration of 19th century Romanian texts written in the transitional alphabet using machine learning, PNIII-PED, 2022-2024 (M. Frincu)
Previous Projects
National Projects
BID – Big Data Science, PN-III-1.2.-PFE-2018 – October 2018- December 2020
BioAMR – Bioeconomic approach to antimicrobial agents – use and resistance, PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0361, April 2018- September 2020
BISMART – Applications for the decisional intelligence of the KPI indicators in data management systems for smart meters, PN-III-P2-2.1-PTE-2016-0090, 2016-2017.
AMICAS – Automated Management in Cloud and Sky Computing Environments, RO-PNII-ID-PCE, 2012-2016
Asistsys – Integrated System of Assistance for Patients with Severe Neuromotor Affections, RO-PNII, 2008-2011
SCIPA – Semantic Software Services for Collaboration and Inter-operability for Adaptive Business Processes, RO-PNII, 2008-2011
Pegaf – Grid-based experimental platform for developing applications based on workflows and with dynamic allocation of resources, RO-PNII, 2007-2010
Sipadoc – Integrated System for the Digitization and Capitalization of the Document’s Cultural Patrimony, RO-PNII, 2007-2010
NatComp – New Natural Computing Models in the Study of Complexity, RO-PNII, 2007-2010
NASR – Mathematical and computational modelling of crystal growth processes based on capillarity, Research Project Code 19550 PK, 2009-2010
NURC – Modeling of the Dewetted Bridgman crystal growth process – control of the monocrystal shape and dopant distribution, Research Project ID_131, 2009-2011
GridMOSI – Virtual Organization in Grid Technology for Modelling, Simulation and High Performance Optimization, RO-CEEX Project, 2005-2008
MedioGrid – Parallel and Distributed on Grid of Geographical and Environment Data, RO-CEEX Project, 2005-2008
MaternQual – Integrated System for Risk and Quality Assessment in Obstetrics, RO-CEEX Project, 2006-2008
SCAMP-ML – Advanced computational statistics for planning and monitoring production environments, POC/163/1/3/, 2022-2023 (F. Micota)
FUSE4DL – Deep Learning using geospatial data fusion, PNIII-PED, 2020-2022 (M. Neagul)
CERES – Classification software module of asteroids in satellite imagery using machine learning, PNIII-PED, 2020-2022 (M. Frincu)
Cloud2Energy – Cloud dynamics using cloud computing for the prediction of photovoltaic energy generation, PNIII-TE, 2020-2022 (M. Frincu)
COCO – Adaptivity in Continuum Computing: from Cloud to Edge, PNIII-PCE, 2021-2023 (D. Petcu)
International Projects
DIPET – Distributed Stream Processing on Fog and Edge Systems via Transprecise Computing, 2020-2022, Chist-Era project (D. Petcu)
Dynamics, H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017, 2018-2022
InnoHPC – High-Performance Computing for effective innovation in the Danube region, EU InterReg, 2017-2019
ML4EO – Machine Learning for Earth Observation, ESA Romanian National Industry Incentive Scheme, 2018-2020
GOVeIn – European Invoicing Project: implementation of the European electronic invoice within the Public Health area, Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), 2016-2017
SESAME Net – Supercomputing Expertise for Small And Medium Enterprises, H2020-EINFRA, 2015-2017
VI-SEEM – a unified Virtual Research Environment for South Eastern Europe and Eastern Mediterranean, H2020-EINFRA, 2015-2017
Share-PSI 2.0 – PSI Directive and Open Data Best Practice Guidelines, CIP-TN, 2014-2016
HOST – High Performance Computing Service Centre, FP7 REGPOT-2011-1, 2012-2014
SCAPE – Scalability in preservation environments, FP7, 2013-2014
EGI-Inspire – Integrated Sustainable Pan European Infrastructure for Researchers in Europe, FP7-RI, 2010-2014
HP-SEE – High Performance Computing Infrastructure for South East Europe’s Research Communities, FP7-RI, 2010-2012
SPRERS – Strengthening the Participation of Romania at European R&D in Software Services, FP7-CSA, 2010-2011,
SEE-Grid-Sci – SEE Grid Infrastructure for Regional eScience, FP7-eRI, 2007-2010
EGEE-III – Enabling Grids for eScience, FP7 INFSO RI, 2008-2010
Gisheo – On Demand Grid Services for High Education and Training in Earth Observation, ESA PECS, 2008-2010
VISP – Virtual Internet Service Provider, FP6 STREP, 2005-2009
EGEE-II – Enabling Grids for eScience, FP7 INFSO RI, 2006-2008
Cross Border Projects
CBIES – Improving the capability of the Romanian and Serbian authorities of reacting in emergency situations, Romania-Republic of Serbia IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Priority axis no. 2, Measure no. 2.3, 2013-2014
Bi Lateral Projects
Sci Com – Scientific Computing Platform. Bilateral project Romania-Austria, 2009-2010