Morita equivalence for singular foliations

Morita equivalence for singular foliations

Între 3 si 7 iulie primim vizita lui Alfonso Garmendia, proaspăt doctor în matematici al universității din Leuven.
Țara sa de origine e Venezuela.
Ne va prezenta rezultatele din teza sa de doctorat în data de 4 iulie, joi, ora 16, sala 130.
Quotient spaces present a problem in differential geometry, given that usually quotients of manifolds are not smooth. One way to deal with this problem is using Lie groupoids. Nevertheless, a quotient space behaves different depending on which groupoid you decide to model it. Morally speaking, groupoids that are Morita equivalent give the same smooth behavior in their respective quotient space. A natural example of quotient spaces are the ones given by a singular foliation on a manifold. In this case we have a canonical groupoid to model it, the holonomy groupoid. This talk uses quotient spaces and group actions to motivate the definition of groupoids. It explains the construction of the Holonomy groupoid of a singular foliation and discusses the definition of Morita equivalence for singular foliations.