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Undergraduate Admission

Results of the admission process

Stage 1 of confirmations

Candidates declared admitted after appeals can confirm their places between July 22 and July 24, 2024, 12:00.

ATTENTION! Candidates declared admitted following the results obtained after the appeals period, regardless of the type of place allocated (state-funded/with scholarship/without scholarship/fee) or specialization, who will not confirm their place within the deadline set for Stage 1 of confirmations on, will be excluded from the ranking for the subsequent confirmation stages.

Romanian candidates from all over the world declared admitted on budgeted places (with scholarship/without scholarship) must confirm their place until July 24, 2024, 12:00 PM, on the online admission platform, by logging into their own account, viewing the file to which they were declared admitted, selecting the “Pay” button next to the registration fee, selecting the option Fee Waiver and uploading in the section supporting documents THIS DECLARATION, completed and signed.

Results with admitted candidates - after appeals - July 2024 session

July 22, 2024, 20:00 – Information is being updated!

Results with admitted candidates - after appeals - session July 2024 - July 21, 2024

July 22, 2024: 20:00 – Results can be found at the following link.

Results with admitted candidates - after appeals - Romanians Abroad - July 2024 - July 21, 2024

July 22, 2024: 20:00 – Results can be found at the following link.

Results with admitted candidates - July 2024 session
Results with admitted candidates - session July 2024 - July 21, 2024

July 21, 2024: 19:00 – Results can be found at the following link.

Results with admitted candidates - Romanians Abroad - July 2024 - July 21, 2024

July 21, 2024: 19:00 – Results can be found at the following link.

Written exam results - July 2024 session
Written exam results - July 2024 - July 21, 2024

July 21, 2024: 19:00 – Results can be found at the following link.

Any appeals to the admission process can be submitted until July 22, 2024, 19:00 via the following form: link.

Appeals based on a lack of knowledge of the admission rules and/or the legislation in force will not be accepted. The Appeals Committee’s decision is final.

Subjects and scales - July 2024 session
Subjects + Scale Computer Science - July 2024 session

You can find the subjects and scales at the following link.

ABSTRACT: Question 20 – Computer Science test: Following feedback from candidates, it was found that answer (2) is not correct as it shows only one ‘YES’ even though item x appears in both columns that form the contour. Therefore all candidates will receive full marks (7p) for this problem.

Subjects + Test papers Mathematics - July 2024 session

You can find the subjects and scales at the following link.

Planning the admission test

July 20, 2024, 14:00: The written admission test will take place on July 21, 2024 and will start at 9:00. Candidates will be allowed access to the competition room from 8:30. You Please have with you your student booklet/identity card and the competition code received by e-mail.

Planning the admission test - July 2024 session

The planning can be found at the following link.

Planning your language proficiency test - English

July 15, 2024:Candidates who have opted for study programs taught in English and do not hold a Cambridge, IELTS or TOEFL language proficiency certificate will be scheduled for the online English language proficiency test from July 18-19, 2024.

Admission Timetable

Admission calendar for the July 2024 session
  • Application period până la data de 19 iulie 2024, ora 12:00

    online, by filling in the data requested by the UVT admissions platform

  • Date of preliminary results 20 iulie 2024, ora 14:00
  • Date of admission test 21 iulie 2024, ora 9:00

    UVT headquarters in Timișoara

  • Deadline for certification of documents 21 iulie 2024, ora 15:00

    according to the original

  • Date of results 21 iulie 2024, ora 19:00
  • Deadline for appeals 21 iulie 2024, ora 19:00 - 22 iulie 2024, ora 19:00
  • Date of results after appeals 22 iulie 2024, ora 20:00
  • Seat confirmation period 22 iulie 2024, ora 20:00 - 24 iulie 2024, ora 12:00

    first stage of confirmations

  • Date of results after confirmations 24 iulie 2024, ora 20:00

    first stage of confirmations

  • Seat confirmation period 24 iulie 2024, ora 20:00 - 25 iulie 2024, ora 16:00

    second round of confirmations

  • Date of results after confirmations 25 iulie 2024, ora 20:00

    second round of confirmations

  • Seat confirmation period (third stage of confirmations) 25 iulie 2024, ora 20:00 - 26 iulie 2024, ora 12:00

    second round of confirmations

  • Date of final results 27 iulie 2024, ora 16:00
Admission calendar for the September 2024 session
  • Application period până în data de 8 septembrie 2024, ora 12:00

    online, by filling in the data requested by the UVT admissions platform

  • Date of preliminary results 9 septembrie 2024, ora 14:00
  • Date of admission test 10 septembrie 2024, ora 9:00

    UVT headquarters in Timișoara

  • Deadline for certification of documents 10 septembrie 2024, ora 16:00

    according to the original

  • Date of results 10 septembrie 2024, ora 18:00
  • Deadline for appeals 10 septembrie 2024, ora 18:00 – 11 septembrie 2024, ora 18:00
  • Date of results after appeals 11 septembrie 2024, ora 20:00
  • Seat confirmation period 11 septembrie 2024, ora 20:00 – 12 septembrie 2024, ora 16:00

    first stage of confirmations

  • Date of results after confirmations 12 septembrie 2024, ora 18:00

    first stage of confirmations

  • Seat confirmation period 12 septembrie 2024, ora 18:00 – 13 septembrie 2024, ora 16:00

    second round of confirmations

  • Date of results after confirmations 13 septembrie 2024, ora 18:00

    second round of confirmations

  • Date of final results 14 septembrie 2024, ora 12:00

Application Documents

  • Candidates who have passed the baccalaureate exam in the sessions corresponding to the school year 2023-2024 can upload on the admission platform and submit to the points of collection of documents required for the admission process at the UVT headquarters and county admission centers organized by UVT, for the admission session immediately following the session in which they passed the baccalaureate exam, in place of the baccalaureate diploma, the certificate issued by the pre-university educational establishment in original or certified copy, stating the overall average of the baccalaureate examination, the marks obtained in the tests taken at the baccalaureate examination, the validity date and the fact that the diploma has not been issued.
  • not older than 90 days from the date of its submission to the document reception office, certifying that the candidate is fit to enroll for university studies and, if applicable, the chronic conditions from which the candidate suffers (neuropsychiatric, psycho-pathological, pulmonary, dermato-venerical, disability (type, degree), etc.). Specific learning disabilities (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dyscalculia, etc.) or special educational needs will be attested by a certificate of diagnosis;
  • (finalized or not at the time of submitting the application), mentioning the financing regime under which each year of study was completed (with financing from the state budget/fee-paying, if it is/was carried out at a state higher education institution in Romania) and, if applicable, the years and semesters of study in which the student has benefited from a scholarship, respectively its type – if applicable.

How is the admission grade calculated?

(1) The minimum overall average for admission to undergraduate degree programs organized by UVT may not be lower than 6.00 (six), provided that none of the marks obtained in the competitive examinations is lower than 5.00 (five).

(2) The overall admission average is calculated to two decimal places, without rounding, according to the following formula:

					N = (max{N1,N2}+N3)/2
  • N1 is the overall average in the baccalaureat exam
  • N2 is the higher of the marks obtained in the Mathematics or Computer Science papers of the baccalaureate exam.
  • N3 is the mark obtained in the written entrance examination in Mathematics or Computer Science. For candidates who did not take the written test in Mathematics or Computer Science at the baccalaureate exam, N2=4 is considered.

(3) Candidates are ranked in descending order of the averages obtained in the admission examination and within the limit of places approved for each program of study.

(4) The overall average or the overall scores obtained by candidates in the admission contest are valid for ranking only within the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, according to the present regulation.

(5) The ranking resulting from the admission competition will also be used for the allocation of places financed from the state budget, which will be awarded to the highest ranked eligible candidates for each undergraduate degree program. Candidates with equal averages, placed last, will be separated on the basis of their N3 mark (the mark for the written test). If the tie is maintained, the tie will be broken on the basis of the N2 mark (the mark in the Mathematics or Computer Science section of the baccalaureate exam). If, even in this case, the score is still equal, the tie will be broken on the basis of the N1 mark (the overall average in the baccalaureate exam).

(6) For Romanian candidates from abroad, the admission average (N) is calculated according to the formula:

					N = (N1+N2)/2

where N1 is the overall average in the baccalaureate exam, and N2 is the higher of the marks obtained in the written Mathematics or Computer Science written test of the baccalaureate exam. For candidates who did not take the written test in Mathematics or Computer Science at the baccalaureate exam, N2=4 is considered. All these scores are equalized by the IMF’s Admission Committee in the Romanian scoring system.

If a candidate in this category has obtained, during his/her high school studies, one of the first, second, third or honorable mention prizes at the national phase of the mathematics or computer science olympiad in his/her home country or Romania (prize justified by submitting the diploma in the application file), his/her admission average will be equivalent to 10 (ten). The separation of the candidates ranked on the last place(s) financed from the state budget with/without scholarship, with equal averages, is based on the N2 grade and, if applicable, on the average obtained in Mathematics during high school.

How are the grades equalized?

(1) According to Article 4 of the UVT Regulation on the organization and conduct of the admission process for undergraduate degree programs in the academic year 2023-2024: “students who have obtained during their high school studies distinctions (first, second, third prizes) at international school olympiads recognized by the Ministry of Education and/or first prize at national olympiads, financed by the Ministry of Education, have the right to enroll in UVT undergraduate degree programs without holding the admission contest, on places financed from the state budget”.

(2) According to Article 4 of the UVT Regulation on the organization and conduct of the admission process for undergraduate degree programs, in the academic year 2023-2024: “students who have the status of class valedictorians from UVT partner high schools or who have obtained an average of 10 in the baccalaureate exam (based on the invitation letter signed by the Rector of UVT, which must accompany the candidate’s application) are entitled to free admission and may benefit from the right to enroll, without taking the entrance exam, for places funded from the state budget, in undergraduate degree programs at any UVT faculty“, if they can prove that they have obtained an individual distinction in school competitions in scientific fields (Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Information Technology, Robotics) recognized by MEdu. These candidates will be admitted with an average of 10 (ten).

(3) High school graduates who have obtained, during their high school studies, an individual prize II, III or mention at the national phase of the Mathematics or Computer Science Olympiads or Information Technology or Robotics competitions recognized by the MEdu are entitled to enroll in the fields of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, within the number of places allocated by the MEdu, being admitted with an average of 10 (ten). Note: The Adolf Haimovici National Contest of Applied Mathematics is assimilated to the Mathematics Olympiad.

(4) Candidates who have obtained the individual prizes I, II or III at the county phases of the specialized Olympiads (Mathematics or Computer Science), during high school, will be equated, upon request, with a grade 10 one of the grades that enter into the calculation of the admission average. Note: The Adolf Haimovici National Contest of Applied Mathematics is assimilated to the Mathematics Olympiad.

(5) Candidates who obtain individual prizes, during high school, in competitions organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science in collaboration with partners from the pre-university environment (FMI competition, Traian Lalescu competition) or in Mathematics and Computer Science competitions organized by universities of the Universitaria consortium through their faculties (University of Bucharest, Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iași) may, on request, have one of the marks used to calculate the admission average equated to a grade 10, whatever the mark.

(6) Candidates who obtain team prizes at national/international school competitions in scientific fields relevant to the profile of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Information Technology, Robotics) may equate one of the grades that enter into the calculation of the admission average, whatever it is, with the grade obtained on the basis of an interview and the evaluation of the personal portfolio with the results obtained during high school studies (based on the supporting documents uploaded on the admission platform). The portfolio evaluation and the interview will be planned and conducted before the entrance examination, during the period of submission of admission applications, by a committee established at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. The evaluation grid for interview and portfolio will be established by decision of the Council of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and published on the FMI website and the website. The application should be sent to until July 19, 12 noon.

Study Programs














Useful Documents

Undergraduate admission regulation

Download the rules at the following link

Consult the individual portfolio assessment procedure for admission to the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the following link

Check the individual portfolio assessment criteria for admission to the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the following link

Tax exemptions

(1) At the West University of Timisoara, the application fee for the admission to undergraduate studies is 200 lei and the registration fee is 150 lei, in accordance with the legal provisions in force. The application fee for the admission competition is payable only once per faculty, regardless of the number of undergraduate degree programs for which the candidate has applied within the same faculty. If you have enrolled in undergraduate degree programs in different faculties, you will pay the application fee for each faculty. If the candidate enrolls and wishes to pursue two university degree programs at the UVT simultaneously, he/she shall submit an application on the admission platform for each of these programs and pay the registration fee for each of them. These fees are published on the website of the West University of Timisoara.

(2) The categories of candidates exempted from paying the application fee for the admission process to undergraduate studies, based on the supporting documents uploaded on the online admission platform, are:

  • students who have obtained distinctions (1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes) at international school olympiads recognized by the Ministry of Education;
  • students who have obtained distinctions in school olympiads and/or other national or international competitions (recognized according to the regulations on the organization and conduct of the admission process at the UVT faculties);
  • students who have the status of class valedictorians from UVT partner high schools or who have obtained an average of 10 in the baccalaureate exam (based on the invitation letter signed by the rector of UVT, which must accompany the candidate’s file);
  • the children of all staff in pre-university education (teaching, auxiliary and non-teaching staff) in active employment or retired;
  • the children of all university education staff (teaching staff, teaching assistants, non-teaching staff and staff in central university libraries) in active employment or retired;
  • all staff in higher education and central university libraries;
  • candidates with one or both parents deceased, as well as candidates from single-parent families;
  • candidates from foster care / social welfare system;
  • candidates who are at risk of losing their ability to meet their daily living needs due to illness (proven by a medical certificate certifying a chronic condition), disability (proven by the appropriate certificate), poverty (proving that they received a social scholarship in the last year of high school, in the case of candidates graduating from high school in the current class, or other supporting documents that they have received financial support from the Romanian state), according to the decision of the admissions committee at the faculty level;
  • athletes with outstanding performances (athletes of CSU-UVT, sports clubs and departments with which UVT has cooperation agreements, medal winners at national, European and world competitions – at the proposal of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport).

(3) The categories of candidates exempted from paying the registration fee for undergraduate studies are:

  • students who have obtained distinctions (1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes) at international school olympiads recognized by the Ministry of Education;
  • students who have obtained distinctions in school olympiads and/or other national or international competitions (recognized according to the regulations on the organization and conduct of the admission process at the UVT faculties);
  • students who have the status of class valedictorians from UVT partner high schools or who have obtained an average of 10 in the baccalaureate exam (based on the invitation letter signed by the rector of UVT, which must accompany the candidate’s file);
  • athletes with outstanding performances (athletes of CSU-UVT, sports clubs and departments with which UVT has cooperation agreements, medal winners at national, European and world competitions – at the proposal of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport).

(4) Exemption from payment of these fees is made only on the basis of supporting documents uploaded by candidates on the online admission platform and presented in original at the points of collection of documents required for the admission process at the UVT headquarters or at the county admission centers organized by the UVT (letters of invitation issued by the Rector of the UVT to candidates with outstanding results do not require certification in original by scanning at the points of collection of documents organized by the UVT), and any additional criteria laid down in the regulations on the organization and conduct of the admission process at the UVT faculties. Exemptions are approved by the admissions committees at faculty level, by validating them on the online admissions platform. The Faculties, through their own regulations, cannot establish other categories of candidates who can benefit from reductions/fee exemptions related to the admission process.

(5) The application fee paid will not be refunded if the candidate no longer wishes to complete the admission process or if his/her application is invalidated/rejected for administrative or academic reasons. In the case of unjustified payment of an application fee (eg: in the case of payment of more than one fee in order to apply for more than one undergraduate degree program within the same faculty or if the candidate was eligible for fee exemption), that fee may be refunded to the candidate upon request, based on a request submitted to that effect through an online form made available by the UVT, or may be used for another application to the UVT in the admission sessions for the same academic year, the candidate presenting proof of payment on the online admission platform. The fee may only be returned to an account held by the candidate.

(6) Candidates from non-EU countries of the European Union, the European Economic Area, the Swiss Confederation and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland pay an application fee of 75 euro (for the processing of the application file for the admissions organization).

(7) Upon confirmation of the place obtained in the admission contest, in accordance with the admission process timetable mentioned in the regulations on the organization and conduct of the admission process at the UVT faculties, the candidates declared admitted pay the registration fee.

(8) The registration fee paid is not refunded if the candidate no longer wishes to occupy the place obtained after the admission process/ withdraws from the studies. In the case of unjustified payment of a registration fee (e.g. if the candidate was eligible for a fee waiver), the fee may be refunded to the candidate on request, on the basis of an application submitted via an online form provided by the UVT. The fee can only be returned to an account held by the candidate.

(9) Until July 31, 2024, for the July admission session, respectively until September 17, 2024, for the September admission session, students admitted to the undergraduate degree cycle on fee-paying places are obliged to pay 30% of the annual tuition fee. In case of non-payment within the set deadline, the student will lose his/her assigned place.

(10) If, following the process of confirmation and redistribution of places, a student who was initially declared admitted to a place with tuition fee is transferred to a place without tuition fee, the amount paid, corresponding to the 30 percent of the annual tuition fee, will be refunded, based on a request submitted by the student through an online form provided by UVT. Tuition fees can only be returned to an account held by the student who has been declared admitted.

(11) If a candidate withdraws from the tuition fee place obtained as a result of the admission process before the starting date of the academic year (30.09.2024), he/she may apply for a refund of the first installment of the tuition fee he/she paid (30%) until the end of the current calendar year at the latest.

(12) Students concurrently enrolled in two different undergraduate programs at the West University of Timisoara are entitled, upon request and with supporting documents, to a 50% reduction of the tuition fee for the undergraduate program for which they are enrolled in fee. If both undergraduate degree programs are taken on a fee-paying basis, a 25% reduction will be applied for each degree program in which they are enrolled. The same reduction of 50% of the tuition fee also applies to students who, within a maximum of nine years after graduating from a degree program at the West University of Timisoara, enroll in another degree program organized by the university, at the same undergraduate cycle as the one graduated at the UVT. The reduction is applied only once for each year of study in which the student is in this situation, on the basis of an application accompanied by supporting documents and submitted to the Student InfoCenter within 10 working days from the start of the academic year.

(13) Students with special social circumstances, students from foster care / social protection system, students with special educational needs or disabilities, as well as athletes with outstanding performance can benefit from study grants that can cover all or part of the tuition fee, upon request. The applications will be analyzed at the faculty level for the fulfillment of the criteria and then submitted to the central scholarships committee for its opinion.

(14) Romanian state scholarship students do not pay tuition fees.

Enrolment 2024-2025

Computer science taught in Romanian

  • budget places: 105
  • places fee: 45

Computer science taught in English

  • budget places: 75
  • places fee: 50

Artificial intelligence taught in English

  • budget places: 50
  • places fee: 40

Computer science taught in Romanian, distance learning

  • places fee: 50

Mathematics taught in Romanian

  • budget places: 20
  • places fee: 30

Computer Mathematics taught in Romanian

  • budget places: 40
  • places fee: 60
Themes and sample topics

The competition theme is that of the 2024 baccalaureate exam

  • Mathematics – M1
  • Computer Science – specialization Mathematics-Informatics

Collection of Math problems: Model 1, Model 2, Model 3, Grid Model

The Computer Science Problems Collection: Admission Problems Collection

Examples of topics from previous years:

Math test:

Computer Science:

Latest admission averages
  • 2023
    • Computer budget: 8,42; fee: 6,90
    • Computer English budget: 7.62; fee: 6.15
    • Math budget: 6,26; fee –
    • Computer Mathematics budget: 6,07; fee: –
  • 2022
    • Computer science budget: 8,01; fee: 6,36
    • Computer Science English budget: 7,80; fee: 6,30
    • Math budget: 7,72; fee –
    • Computer Mathematics budget: 7,06; fee: –
  • 2021
    • Computer science budget: 8,95; fee: 6,51
    • Applied computer science budget: 8,05; fee: 6,00
    • Computer English budget: 7.66; fee: 6.14
    • Math budget: 6,30; fee –
    • Computer Mathematics budget: 8,05; fee: -c
  • 2020
    • Computer science budget: 9,35; fee: 8,37
    • Applied computer science budget: 9,10; fee: 7,71
    • Computer English budget: 9,05; fee: 7,72
    • Math budget: 8,44; fee –
    • Computer Mathematics budget: 8,08; fee: –
  • 2019
    • Computer science budget: 8.17; fee: 5.62
    • Applied computer science budget: 7,63; fee: 5,80
    • Computer English budget: 7.82; fee: 5.65
    • Math budget: 6,33; fee –
    • Computer Mathematics budget: 5,69; fee: –
  • 2018
    • Computer science: budget -8,25; fee: 5,17
    • Applied computer science: budget – 7,36; fee – 5,01
    • Computer English: budget – 7,62; fee – 5,00
    • Maths: budget – 7,10; fee – 5,50
    • Computer Mathematics: budget – 8,19; fee – 6,09
  • 2017
    • Informatics budget -9,38; fee: 7,34
    • Applied Informatics budget – 8,96; fee – 6,44
    • Computer English budget – 8,95; fee – 5,65
    • Math budget – 8.56; fee – 8.05
    • Applied budget mathematics – 6,04
    • Computer Mathematics budget – 8,73; fee – 5,46
  • 2016
    • Computer budget – 9,19; fee: 7,68
    • Applied Informatics budget – 8,49; fee – 5,05
    • Computer English budget – 8,47; fee – 5,51
    • Budget math – 6,19
    • Applied budget mathematics – 8,62
    • Mathematics computer budget – 5,18
  • 2015
    • Informatics budget – 9,11
    • Budget Applied Informatics – 8,52
    • Computer English budget – 8,47
    • Budget math – 8,40
    • Applied budget mathematics – 6,45
    • Mathematics computer budget – 8,55
  • 2014
    • Romanian computer science: budget – 8,09; fee: 5,59
    • Computer English: budget – 7,50
    • Budget math – 5.68; fee – 7.03